What is an email account? An email account is a virtual mailbox with which you can send and receive electronic mails (emails) over a computer network like the internet. Aside from sending and receiving emails, you can also store and manage messages in an email account. If you have web or email hosting and a registered domain, you can create your own personalised email account. How to create an email account Before you can create an email account, make sure your registered domain is connected to your web or email hosting. If your domain and web or email hosting are with Forecast IT, then you are ready to create your personalised email account, because your domain is automatically connected to your hosting. If your domain is registered with another provider, however, then you need to first connect it with your web hosting. To do that, you need to log in to your domain’s management console and update the Name Servers to that of your Web Hosting provider. To create an email account, follow the steps below:
- Click on My Account at the top of the page.
- Select Hosting Manager from the drop-down menu.
- Enter your username and password, and click Log In.
- On the Home page, click the word Email or the [ v ] arrow symbol on the right side.
- Next, click the Accounts icon, which is next to the Forwarders icon.
- On the next page, type in the necessary details. Read some information about the said details below:
Email: | This is your unique email name. In your email address, this will appear before your domain name. For instance, if your email address is cool.support@mydomain.com, your email name is "cool support". Important Note: If you manage more than one domain, make sure to choose the appropriate domain from the menu on the left, after the at (@) symbol. |
Password: | This will serve as your key that will enable you to access your email. It is recommended that you use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to create a strong password. The system will tell you how weak or strong your password is when you type it in the appropriate fields. If you find it difficult to make a strong enough password for your email, you can let the system create one for you. Click the Password Generator button. In the pop-up box, copy the generated password and paste that in the Password fields. You can also choose to check I have copied this password in a safe place. Then, click Use Password. This will automatically copy and paste the generated password in the Password fields. Important Note: Make sure you have actually saved the generated password in a safe and easy to recall place. |
Mailbox Quota: | This is the amount of space you may use for your stored emails. Important Note: Mailbox quotas cannot exceed 4096 GB or 4 TB. If you think you need more space than that, choose the Unlimited option. |
7. Click Create Account to confirm. Congratulations, you have created an email account.
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